Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Amazing poetry about the blindness and vision

People in a village
At the desert's edge
Had a daughter
Who was changed (they thought)
By magic arts
Into a pony.

At first they berated her
"Why do you have to be a horse?"
She could think of no reply.

So they led her out with a halter 
Into the hot waste land
Where there was a saint
Called Macarius

Living in a cell.

"Father" they said
"This young mare here
Is, or was, our daughter.
Enemies, wicked men,
Magicians, have made her
The animal you see.
Now by your prayers to God
Change her back
Into the girl she used to be."

"My prayers" said Macarius,
"Will change nothing,
For I see no mare.
Why do you call this good child
An animal?"

But he led her into his cell
With her parents:
There he spoke to God 
Anointing the girl with oil;
And when they saw with what love 
He placed his hand upon her head
They realized, at once.
She was no animal.
She had never changed.
She had been a girl from the beginning.

"Your own eyes
(said Macarius)
Are your enemies.
Your own crooked thoughts
(said the anchorite)
Change people around you
Into birds and animals.
Your own ill-will
(said the clear-eyed one)
Peoples the world with specters."

Catholic mystic Thomas Merton
from  The Collected Poems

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Glorification of human violence with no responsibility!

Thinking about the approaching Friday. Crucifiction of God and the Messenger of God. Isn't that glorification of human violence? Before you say that this is a crazy idea, think, how many innocent lives have been "crucified" in the name of gods. If Islam comes to mind, try to read the Old Testament again!

 In addition to that, the great Holocost, that took lives of 6 000 000 Jews in Europe just some 70 years ago was interpreted by some theologians as the Will of God, who willed 6 million Jews to be sacrificied for salvation of our humanity. This theology is IR-responsible, naming human violence as a will of God. 

Does your God crave blood? Even the blood of His Son? If you think that I am far from orthodoxy, read some Eastern Orthodox doctrine on Incarnation, which claims that Jesus is God, who forgives sins, because He became human! Western theologians linked the bloody event to our atonement. The question is - is God LOVE, who sacrificies His own child? Or did we make Him into that cannibal in order to freely practice violence, murder, abuse of all kind and rape of children into religious institutions and cover up that with the 'will of God'?

some visuals 


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sievietes vērtība

Mūžības iezīmes manī (Marcas do Eterno)

"Pirms tu ienāc manā dzīvē

Un sāc lemt par mani

Un pār manu likteni,

Ir svarīgi, lai tu saproti jo labi

Kas es esmu,
Lai vēlāk tu nesacītu,
Ka esi kļūdījies.

Es nevaru būt tāda, kā tu vēlies,

Esmu daudz vairāk nekā tas,

Ko tavas acis spēj redzēt.

Ja tu vēlies nākt man līdzi,

Es izstiepšu tev pretī savu roku,
Bet ne uz mirkli, neaizmirsti to, ka

Esmu nodevusies savam Kungam,

Es zinu, ka esmu svēta zeme,

Mana dzīve ir Debesu Sakraments,

Kas sevī nes mūžības iezīmes.

Pirms tava mīlestība nāca, 

Cita Mīlestība mani bija atradusi

Un šī Mīlestība mani ietina Savā gaismā,

To es nekad nevarēšu aizmirst.

Ja tu patiešām gribi būt ar mani,

Laipni lūgts būt man blakus,

Tomēr mana sirds ir nolēmusi,

Ka tā sevi dēstīs Dievā,

Un šodien tā vairs negrib sevi ieslodzīt.

Es lūdzu, lai Tu palīdzi man

Būt svētākai

Kas dažreiz ir aizmirsts, kad esmu savā stūrī.

Manam svētumam brīžiem

Ir nepieciešama mana palikšana vienatnē,
Lai mana klātbūtne ar Tevi
Būtu veselīgāka."

/Marcas do Eterno, Padre Fabio de Melo. No portugāļu val. tulk. Aļesja Lavrinoviča/

Katoļu priesteris Tēvs Fabio de Melo (Brazīlija) sarakstīja šo dziesmu pēc tam, kad viņa paziņa tika smagi piekauta no sava vīra.

Sievietes, atcerēsimies savu vērtību!

Aļesja Lavrinoviča

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Value of human life? Child's dignity?

I often wonder about the "value of the human life" in religions. There are so many efforts taken to emphasize the value of the human life from its conception, but when the child is born, this child has a value of a "doll", or no value, since a child becomes a sexual object. In the documentary movie ("Deliver us from evil" (2006) trailer here ), the ordained person raped even 9 months old girl, and some other girls aged 5. So.. where is the value of the human life and dignity in such cases? To me personally it seems that the "value" is only before the person is born and after the person is dead... 

Jesus Christ made it clear what should be done to people who touch children..

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Too human... Christology..

"Too human" (Humano demais)

I keep trying to understand
How could Your eyes see
That woman in the crowd
Who was already condemned, I think,
But there were still the things to do
There still remained some value
And when you fixed your eyes on her
No doubt, all will be well

Your perplexing love,
The power that repairs the world
Returned the life into her eyes
To her, who was condemned before,
And had accepted herself to be a sinner

I must confess, I do not understand it!

I'm too human to comprehend
too human to understand
the way you chose to love the undeserving.

I'm too human to comprehend
too human to understand
That those you chose and took by your hand
Are those whom I would not want by my side

I'm surprised to see again that You
Traded the saints for Zaccheus
And many doctors for Simon
Some priests for Matthew
And even on the cross, amid the pain
A gesture reveals who You are:
You turn a thief into a friend
And you steal his heart

And so you have been just the opposite, the reverse of the reverse
And more I force myself,
Less I am sure I know You
Your pallets are deep, but I see only the shape
When you see the heart, I see the image

Author - Fr. Fabio de Melo (Brazil)
Translation - mine
original song here