Thursday, April 17, 2014

Glorification of human violence with no responsibility!

Thinking about the approaching Friday. Crucifiction of God and the Messenger of God. Isn't that glorification of human violence? Before you say that this is a crazy idea, think, how many innocent lives have been "crucified" in the name of gods. If Islam comes to mind, try to read the Old Testament again!

 In addition to that, the great Holocost, that took lives of 6 000 000 Jews in Europe just some 70 years ago was interpreted by some theologians as the Will of God, who willed 6 million Jews to be sacrificied for salvation of our humanity. This theology is IR-responsible, naming human violence as a will of God. 

Does your God crave blood? Even the blood of His Son? If you think that I am far from orthodoxy, read some Eastern Orthodox doctrine on Incarnation, which claims that Jesus is God, who forgives sins, because He became human! Western theologians linked the bloody event to our atonement. The question is - is God LOVE, who sacrificies His own child? Or did we make Him into that cannibal in order to freely practice violence, murder, abuse of all kind and rape of children into religious institutions and cover up that with the 'will of God'?

some visuals